Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (Phillip K Dick)

Wake up to find that everyone else has lost their memory... of you !

Jason uses his eugenically enhanced intellect for tawdry manipulation of millions of TV viewers. His introspection seems to have limited over decades to honing these skills rather than contemplating their purpose or value.
There is a sense of comeuppance to his awakening to a world unchanged except for the absence of his fame. Cast into the police state over he shows no concern or sympathy for its victims.
His journey introduces a variety of characters culminating in a fatal meeting and a rather unconvincing explanation of the cause of his trouble. The book then ends with a whimper, not a bang....
The book seems to inhabit a similar world to "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" but has less coherence and characters that elicit far less sympathy.

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