Government servants is an oxymoron

To govern is to rule over. It is fundamentally coercive and inconsistent with freedom. We tolerate government because  an overwhelming majority of citizens believe 1) that certain tasks are essential to the people and 2) could not be achieved other than through coercion. E.g. defense, law enforcement. Any government coercion  beyond these 2 is highly suspect. Government is not a club where we choose to pay subscriptions to get better entertainment. Government is not an insurance company in which growing numbers of people spend their lives claiming while making negligible contributions. Ever facet of government should be assessed for "overwhelming support" and "no other way" before being allowed to continue. Using a simple majority to coerce is turning democracy into tyranny. Introducing government into non essential areas of our culture reduces freedom and distorts that area and inculcates dependence in our citizenry, where we should be growing self reliance.

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